All dogs are welcome - big or small, old or young! Whether your companion animal has had a big surgery, arthritis or you are just looking to improve their quality of life hydrotherapy is a scientifically proven, safe and clean way to help your K9 get back to 100%.

Do I need a referral?

All post surgical or musculoskelatal conditions (hip dysplasia, elbow displasia, cruciate disease etc) require a referral. It is recommended that all other patients are referred by their Veterinarian so we have a complete picture of patient health.

Can I stay with my dog?

Yes, you are welcome to stay. Most dogs prefer to have their owner near by to help build their confidence and reduce anxiety. We will operate as per government regulations due to COVID-19 and as such, only one owner may be allowed to stay if such regulations are in place.

How many sessions does my dog need?

The number of sessions required will depend on the condition being treated. This will be assessed in the initial consultation where a plan will be made and adjusted at each session, for best results. Often post surgical recovery is once to twice weekly for 10-12 weeks. Dogs with arthritis may attend weekly to increase mobility and fitness.

Are there any conditions where hydrotherapy is not recommended?

Yes, A dog with the following conditions cannot attend hydrotherpy: open wounds, bitches in season, infectious or contagious conditions such as gastric upsets, kennel cough, ear, eye or skin infections. If your dog has a heart condition, respiratory condition, vestibular syndrome or moderate to severe epilepsy it may not be safe to commence Hydrotherapy. Please discuss this with us prior to booking. A Veterinary referral will be required for these conditions.

What do we need to bring?

Your dog on a collar/harness and leash. Your dog will keep the harness or collar on during the treatment so don't bring one that you don't want to get wet. Bring some treats or your dogs favourite toys. We do supply some treats, however if your dog has a dietary sensitivity, please supply your own. We recommend bringing a towel for the drive home. We will towel dry your dog after a session but some dogs with long or thick fur may carry extra water.

What do we do prior to a session?

DO NOT feed your dog for 2 hours prior to an appointment. Normal water intake is fine. DO NOT exercise your dog prior. Please toilet your dog prior. Any fouling of the hydrotherapy water will incur an extra cost ($30) On lead policy: when you arrive please have your dog on a leash or harness until directed by Canine Hydro Pty Ltd staff. If your dog is particularly dirty or shedding, please wash and/or brush your dog prior to entering the water.

What is the difference between an underwater treadmill and swimming in the pool or ocean?

At Canine Hydro, we offer an underwater treadmill, rather than a swimming pool. A treadmill allows for controlled movement in order to target specific areas, without exacerbating any problem areas. Compared to swimming in open water, a treadmill offers less bouancy but more targeted resistance which can be altered with jets, inclination and water depth. When using an underwater treadmill, joint extension is more complete than swimming, allowing for greater range of movement. We can also tailor the speed of the treadmill to fit each patient and level of fitness. Canine Hydro also stock an isolation plate so we can chose to work just front limbs or hind limbs if necessary. The water is also safe, clean and the correct temperature to increase blood flow to muscles and relieve joint pain. Another bonus- a treadmill is often less confronting for patients who dislike water when compared to a swimming pool and the ocean.

Evidence-based supplements


Still have a question? Reach out via our contact form or ask our friendly staff at your appointment